= Cancelled
= New Class Added
= Professor Change
= Rescheduled (day/time change)
Core Courses
COR1-GB.1302Leadership in Organizations (3)Course Description:
Organizations of all types face significant challenges. These include the difficulty of coping with highly dynamic business environments the complexity of managing global enterprises how to shape a healthy corporate culture managing politics and conflict between individuals and organizational units motivating a highly mobile and ever changing workforce managing and harnessing intellectual capital and so on. Such challenges and how organizational leaders can deal with them are the subject of this course. The course has two major components. The first is "macro" in nature. It focuses on organizational level issues such as how an organization should be designed to best achieve its goals and how culture and control affect organizational dynamics. The second part is more "micro" in nature. It focuses on employee-related challenges such as how to get things done in politically sensitive environments evaluate and reward people and manage teams. The macro component is concerned with overall organizational performance while the micro component is concerned with managing individual and group effectiveness. And leadership is the linking pin that connects these two.This course will introduce you to central theories and frameworks in management and organizational behavior and will help you to understand how to apply those theories and frameworks to understand and address organizational challenges and problems. An understanding of organizations and their management is important for anyone who plans to work within an organization as career success hinges on one's ability to accurately read and respond to the organizational context within which one operates. The course will also give you an opportunity to reflect on the skills that are required for being a better manager and leader.Section Instr Mode Meeting Times Dates Instructor Notes Class Nbr S1 In-Person Sa 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 09/20-12/13 Kern,M Spring and Fall 2025 admits - Red Saturdays 2335 Equivalencies:
COR1-GB.1102 Leadership
COR1-GB.1202 Leadership in Organizations
COR1-GB.1305Statistics and Data Analysis (3)Course Description:
This course is designed to achieve an understanding of fundamental notions of data presentation and data analysis and to use statistical thinking in the context of business problems. The course deals with modern methods of data exploration designed to reveal unusual or problematic aspects of databases.Section Instr Mode Meeting Times Dates Instructor Notes Class Nbr S1 In-Person Sa 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm 09/20-12/13 Shahmaei,A Spring and Fall 2025 admits - Red Saturdays 2956 Equivalencies:
COR1-GB.1105 Statistics
COR1-GB.2155 Statistical Modeling
FINC-GB.2302Corporate Finance (3)Course Description:
This course helps students develop an analytical framework for understanding how organizations make investment and financing decisions. Students also learn the theory and practice of various valuation techniques. There is an emphasis on understanding the theory and its applications to the real world as well as appreciating the limitations of the tools in practical settings. Specific topics include capital budgeting investment decision rules discounted cash flow valuation real options cost of capital capital structure dividend policy and valuation methods such as WACC and APV.Section Instr Mode Meeting Times Dates Instructor Notes Class Nbr S1 In-Person Sa 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 09/20-12/13 Schmeits,A Saturdays 2446 Pre/Corequisite:
Full-time MBA Student Prerequisite: COR1-GB 2311.
Part-time MBA Student Prerequisite: COR1-GB 2311 or COR1-GB 2302.
Not open to students with 24 or more FINC-GB units.
Corporate Finance
Quantitative Finance
FINC-GB.2339Real Estate Capital Markets (3)Course Description:
This course covers debt and equity secondary markets linked to real estate On the debt side we cover the securitization of residential and commercial mortgages and various types of fixed income instruments such as passthrough securities CMOs IOs POs CDOs etc We study the basics of modeling prepayment and default risk on these instruments We also discuss causes and consequences of the 2008 and ongoing financial crisis and implications of the crisis for the mortgage finance system On the equity side we study the legal foundations financial analysis and structuring of Real Estate Investment Trusts REITs which are the primary traded equity structure used for real estate The course will be a mix of formal lectures inclass exercises and guest lectures from Wall Street professionals.Section Instr Mode Meeting Times Dates Instructor Notes Class Nbr S1 In-Person Sa 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 09/20-12/13 2576 Pre/Corequisite:
Prerequisite: Full-time MBA Student and COR1-GB 2311.
Prerequisite: Focused MBA Student and COR1-GB 2222.
Prerequisite: Part-time MBA Student and COR1-GB 2311 or COR1-GB 2302.
Not open to students with 24 or more FINC-GB units.
FINC-GB.6038 Real Estate Capital MktsSpecializations:
Financial Instruments & Markets
Quantitative Finance
Real Estate
FINC-GB.3331Valuation (3)Course Description:
This is a class about valuation. It starts by laying the foundations of value and pricing, but the bulk of the class is spent on applications, rather than theory. It is about valuing small businesses and big ones, simple businesses and complex ones, young firms, and those in distress. It is about valuing individual assets, as well as portfolios, and it looks at valuation from every conceivable perspective, as an investor, a trader, a business owner, or a manager. It is about valuation in all its many forms and by the end of this class, you should be able to value just about anything that has a value and price just about everything else.ÂSection Instr Mode Meeting Times Dates Instructor Notes Class Nbr S1 In-Person Sa 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm 09/20-12/13 Levine,R Saturdays 2452 Pre/Corequisite:
Pre-req: Full-time MBA, COR1-GB 2311. Co-requisite: FINC-GB 2302.
Pre-req: Focused MBA and COR1-GB 2222.
Pre-req: Part-time MBA, (COR1-GB 2311). Co-requisite: (FINC-GB 2302).
Not open to students with 24 or more FINC-GB units.
Corporate Finance
Financial Instruments & Markets
Quantitative Finance
FINC-GB.3361Entrepreneurial Finance (3)Course Description:
This course identifies and follows the wealth creation cycle that begins with company startups, passes through successive stages of various kinds of private equity financing, and ends with the harvesting of the created wealth through a sale or merger or initial public offering. Emphasis is placed on how entrepreneurial firms adapt financing and financial contracts to the information asymmetry problems the high degree of uncertainty and the conflicts of interest associated with startups.Section Instr Mode Meeting Times Dates Instructor Notes Class Nbr S1 Online Su 11:00 am - 4:00 pm 10/12-11/16 Okun,G Online Sundays This class will have additional asynchronous work each week. 2460 Pre/Corequisite:
Pre-req: Full-time MBA, COR1-GB 2311. Co-requisite: FINC-GB 2302.
Pre-req: Focused MBA and COR1-GB 2222.
Pre-req: Part-time MBA, (COR1-GB 2311). Co-requisite: (FINC-GB 2302).
Not open to students with 24 or more FINC-GB units.
FINC-GB.3373 New Venture Financing
FINC-GB.3173 Venture Capital FinancingSpecializations:
Corporate Finance
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Quantitative Finance
Management Communication
MCOM-GB.2105Strategic Communication (1.5)Course Description:
This course supports your success as an effective communicator, innovator and business leader in an age that demands immediacy, authenticity, and transparency. Translating your ideas into successful initiatives requires a communication discipline with the capacity to connect with multiple audiences from diverse cultural, intellectual and professional backgrounds. Strategic Communication (formerly Business Communication) introduces the basics of communication strategy and persuasion: audience analysis, communicator credibility, and message construction and delivery. Written and oral presentation assignments derive from cases that focus on communication strategy. Students receive significant feedback and coaching to improve presentation and writing effectiveness. Students will also examine aligning an organization's message with its business strategy and stakeholder expectations to achieve and maintain a strong reputation.Section Instr Mode Meeting Times Dates Instructor Notes Class Nbr S2 In-Person Su 9:00 am - 4:00 pm 11/23-12/14 Shi,Y Continuing Students 2172 Pre/Corequisite:
MCOM-GB Departmental Max and Non-Stern
COR1-GB.2105 Communication
MCOM-GB.2100 Management Communication
MCOM-GB.2136 Strategic Communication
Management and Organizational Behavior
MGMT-GB.2327Managing the Growing Company (3)Course Description:
This course exposes students to the unique challenges of managing the growth of small businesses. It concentrates on building the company issues rather than start-up issues, although some cases and lectures explore start-up as well. Included are studies of family businesses that have acute growth issues because of succession and family dynamics. It is designed for students interested in understanding the opportunities and problems involved in the management or operation of their own business; and it is also aimed at students considering employment in a small or midsized firm. The differences between small firms and large organizations, management needs, practices, and financial resources are examined.Section Instr Mode Meeting Times Dates Instructor Notes Class Nbr S1 Online Sa 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm 09/20-12/13 Okun,G Online Saturdays This class will have additional asynchronous work each week. 2402 Pre/Corequisite:
Prereq:Full-time MBA &(COR1-GB.1302 or COR1-GB.1102) or Co-req:Full-time MBA & COR1-GB.2104
Prereq: Focused MBA & (COR1-GB 1102 or COR1-GB 2101)
Prereq: Part-time MBA & (COR1-GB 1302 or CORE-GP 1020).
Not open to students with more than 24 MGMT-GB units.
MGMT-GB.2127 Managing Growing Companie
MGMT-GB.2227 Managing Growing CompaniesSpecializations:
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Leadership and Change Management
MGMT-GB.3151Managerial Decision Making (1.5)Course Description:
This course attempts to help you become a better decision maker When asked about their ability to make decisions previous students expresses concerns and several said they lacked self confidence in making decisions Others indicated that the process of making decisions may be painful especially if one has to make an important decision This may stem from the deliberation process one goes through that may be stressful Yet others added that at times they second guess their decisions and some acknowledged that they suffer from regret when a decision they have made led to an undesired outcome A few mentioned that having gone through such a process made them indecisive and unclear about how to go about making decisions The above concerns are described with regard to personal as well as business decisions Making decisions at work may be easier when one can solicit the help from colleagues but at the same time the consequences may loom even larger when making decisions at work This course takes a systematic approach to improve your decision making skills Requirements include several exercises knowledge of statistics is required but the course is not about quantitative calculation of alternatives but about the processes underlying the making of decisions.Section Instr Mode Meeting Times Dates Instructor Notes Class Nbr S1 In-Person --Alternate Schedule--
Su 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Su 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
12/07-12/14Shapira,Z Sundays 2407 Pre/Corequisite:
Prereq:Full-time MBA &(COR1-GB.1302 or COR1-GB.1102) or Co-req:Full-time MBA & COR1-GB.2104
Prereq: Focused MBA & (COR1-GB 1102 or COR1-GB 2101)
Prereq: Part-time MBA & (COR1-GB 1302 or CORE-GP 1020).
Not open to students with more than 24 MGMT-GB units.
Leadership and Change Management
Management of Technology & Operations
MGMT-GB.3366Power and Politics in Organizations (3)Course Description:
This course considers the way political processes and power structures influence decisions and choices made within and by organizations. It analyzes the sources, distribution, and use of influence in relation to resource allocation, organizational change and performance management succession, procedural justice, policy formulation, and social movements within organizations. It develops skills in diagnosing and using power and politics in organizational settings. A basic assumption underlying the course is that managers need well-developed skills in acquiring and exercising power to be effective. The course is designed to (1) improve students' capacity to diagnose organizational issues in terms of their political dimensions and (2) enhance their effectiveness in their jobs and careers as a result of that improved capacity.Section Instr Mode Meeting Times Dates Instructor Notes Class Nbr S1 Online Sa 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 09/20-12/13 R.,K Saturdays; Online; This class will have additional asynchronous work each week. 2439 Pre/Corequisite:
Co-requisites: Full-time MBA & COR1-GB 1302 or COR1-GB.1102.
Co-requisites: Focused MBA & COR1-GB 1102.
Co-requisites: Part-time MBA & COR1-GB 1302 or CORE-GP 1020.
Not open to students with more than 24 MGMT-GB units.
MGMT-GB.3165 Power and Professional InfluenSpecializations:
Leadership and Change Management
Tech Product Management
MKTG-GB.2353Pricing (3)Course Description:
Pricing is one of the most important but least understood marketing decisions. This course is designed to equip participants with the framework's techniques and latest thinking on assessing and formulating pricing strategies. We will learn the process of making pricing decisions and explore innovative approaches for setting prices. The emphasis of the course is on ways in which you can help firms in diverse industries to improve their pricing. The topics of discussion include pricing of durable goods, pricing of consumer package goods, pricing of service, pricing of informational goods, new product pricing, price promotions, behavior based pricing, price bundling, nonlinear pricing, targeted pricing through a distribution channel, dynamic pricing, etc. Course work consists of in class discussion case studies and teamwork. Upon successful completion of this course you will a) gain a solid understanding of pricing practices across different industries b) learn state of the art frameworks for analyzing pricing issues and c) master the essential techniques for making profitable pricing decisions with strategic thinking.Section Instr Mode Meeting Times Dates Instructor Notes Class Nbr S1 In-Person Sa 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm 09/20-12/13 Eberhardt,J Saturdays 2599 Pre/Corequisite:
Prerequisites: Full-time MBA. Co-requisite: COR1-GB 2310.
Prerequisites: Focused MBA. Co-requisite: COR1-GB 2110.
Prerequisites: Part-time MBA and COR1-GB 2310.
Not open to students with more than 24 MKTG-GB units.
MKTG-GB.2152 Promotions
MKTG-GB.2352 Pricing and Promotion in the M
MKTG-GB.2153 Pricing
MKTG-GB.2253 PricingSpecializations:
Brand Management
Luxury Marketing
Supply Chain Management & Global Sourcing
Tech Product Management
Professional Responsibility
COR2-GB.3101Professional Responsibility (1.5)Course Description:
This course is designed to inspire you with a positive vision of what business can be, a realistic vision of what it often is, and a roadmap for how to navigate through the hazards and opportunities you will face in your career. Specifically: 1) You will learn about the types of traps that lure business professionals into ethical lapses and criminal behaviors. 2) You will learn enough moral psychology to understand how well-intentioned professionals can get lured into such traps. 3) You will learn conceptual frameworks that help you to navigate ethical gray zones with more confidence and better results. 4) You will learn what characterizes companies with positive ethical values, and why you are better off working for them, or creating them. 5) You may, if you choose, commit yourself to a standard of professional conduct that will help to make your work more fulfilling and honorable.Section Instr Mode Meeting Times Dates Instructor Notes Class Nbr S1 Online Su 9:00 am - 4:00 pm 09/21-10/05 Taylor,A Online This class will have additional asynchronous work each week. 3 Sundays: 9/22, 9/29, 10/6 2523 Equivalencies:
BSPA-GB.3301 Ethical and Legal Challenges o
COR2-GB.3111 Prof & Corp Social Resp
COR2-GB.3151 Professional Responsibility
TECH-GB.2335Programming in Python and Fundamentals of Software Development (3)Course Description:
This course provides an introduction to programming languages and to the software design methods The programming language of choice is Python However the course will introduce the students to the fundamental programming concepts appearing in various other programming languages including Java and C that go well beyond the specifics of Python Upon completion of this course the students will be able to acquire practical programming skills in Python and understand the principles of structured software development They will also understand the principles of designing large software systems and what it takes to plan analyze design implement and support large Information Systems throughout their entire System Development LifecycleSection Instr Mode Meeting Times Dates Instructor Notes Class Nbr S1 Online Sa 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 09/20-12/13 Sosulski,K Online Saturdays No MSIS 2970 Pre/Corequisite:
TECH-GB Departmental Max and Non-Stern
TECH-GB.2135 Programming in PythonSpecializations:
Brand Management
Financial Systems & Analytics
Management of Technology & Operations
Tech Product Management